Ramadan Prayer Tracker With Descriptions

Ramadan Prayer Schedule and Goal Tracker Sheet   Made by: Chelsey Love

Suhoor (Meal)

Fajr Sunnah

Fajr (Fard)

Dhur Sunnah

Dhur (Fard)

Dhur Sunnah

Asr (Fard)

Iftar (Meal)

Maghrib (Fard)

Maghrib Sunnah

Isha (Fard)

Isha Sunnah

Qiyam al-layl/ Taraweeh


Ramadan Prayer Schedule and Goal Tracker Sheet   Made by: Chelsey Love

Suhoor (Meal)

Fajr Sunnah

Fajr (Fard)

Dhur Sunnah

Dhur (Fard)

Dhur Sunnah

Asr (Fard)

Iftar (Meal)

Maghrib (Fard)

Maghrib Sunnah

Isha (Fard)

Isha Sunnah

Qiyam al-layl/ Taraweeh


Description of prayers and meals:

Witr- Witr is typically (but not always) the last night prayer to be performed before Fajr. It can be prayed before bed if you do not think you will wake up in the middle of the night to pray it, but is more beneficial to pray in the last parts of the night as it is harder to do this. Witr is not obligatory but highly recommended and Waajib according to some schools of thought, in particular, Hanafi. Technically Witr prayer is simply an odd numbered prayer, being as minimal a 1 Rakaat. Witr is usually prayed along with a set of night prayers. So one could pray 2 Rakaat and 1 Witr making it an odd number of 3, or 4 Rakaat with the 5th being Witr etc. If you prayer 3 Rakaat in total it should not be like Maghrib in which you have a middle tasleem. We do not sit after the 2 Rakaat, but pray all the way through and sitting on the last single Witr prayer. Or one can end their prayer after 2 Rakaat and pray the single Witr on its own. The second seems to be more recommended.
Tahajjud- Tahajjud means specifically praying at night after sleeping. This would mean that sleep must take place before its action. Other opinions are more general and state it’s an act of prayer done at night. Tahajjud occurs after Isha prayer and before the call of Fajr. Some people may discuss different types of night prayer like Qiyaam al-layl, Taraweeh or Witr. There are minor differences, but all are “night prayers”.  (Qiyam al-layl or Taraweeh will be discussed below.) Tahajjud prayer can be 2-10 Rakaat. It seems as though 8 was an accurate Sunnah, but more or less can be done. There is no specific set amount of rakaat that should be completed for this prayer as it’s optional and not an obligation. Remember that normally Witr prayer would come after your Tahajjud, but during Ramadan many people prayer Witr with their Imam in congregation after Taraweeh. It is okay to go home, sleep, and wake up before Fajr to then pray Tahajjud, but Witr should not be repeated in one night.
Suhoor- Suhoor is the meal we have when we wake up, before Fajr prayer is called. It is recommended to eat Suhoor and not to skip it.
Fajr Sunnah Prayer- The Sunnah Prayer for Fajr is offered after your night prayers, and can be done before or after eating Suhoor, but is performed before Fajr adhan is called. Fajr Sunnah Prayer consist or 2 Rakaat. This is an optional prayer and is not obligatory.
Fajr Prayer- Fajr is the Morning Prayer before Dawn. This prayer is mandatory and is a part of our 5 Daily Prayers. Fajr is 2 Rakaat.
Dhur Sunnah Prayer- Dhur Sunnah Prayer is split up into 2 sections. This is the Sunnah or optional prayer given before and after the obligatory Dhur Prayer. The first half of Dhur Sunnah Prayer is before the obligatory Dhur Prayer; it consists of 4 Rakaat. The second portion of the Dhur Sunnah Prayer is 2 Rakaat after the obligatory Dhur Prayer.
Dhur Prayer- Dhur Prayer is the early afternoon prayer, and is obligatory. The Dhur Prayer is a part of our 5 mandated prayers a day. Dhur Prayer consists of 4 Rakaat, unless you pray in congregation on Jummah and then it is decreased to 2 Rakaat.
Asr Prayer- Asr Prayer is the mid-afternoon prayer. This prayer is obligatory and is a part of our 5 mandated daily prayers. Asr Prayer consists of 4 Rakaat. (There is an optional Asr Sunnah, but it is not a mustaheb (highly recommended act) like the other Sunnah prayers, as the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wa salaam did not often do it.)
Iftar- Iftar is the meal eaten to break ones fast after the Maghrib Prayer has been called at Sunset. It is Sunnah to break the fast with water and dates, and then eat your Iftar meal before your Taraweeh Prayer which is after your Isha Prayer.
Maghrib Prayer- The Maghrib Prayer is the Sunset Prayer and is the sign that our fast for the day has been completed. The Maghrib Prayer is a part of the 5 obligatory daily prayers. This prayer consists of 3 Rakaat.
Maghrib Sunnah Prayer- Maghrib Sunnah Prayer is a recommended Sunnah to perform after the obligatory Maghrib Prayer. This Sunnah Prayer consists of 2 Rakaat.
Isha Prayer- Isha Prayer is the obligatory night prayer. This prayer is a part of the 5 mandatory prayers a day. Isha Prayer consists of 4 Rakaat. Isha Prayer is prayed before Ramadan Taraweeh or any extra optional prayer for the night including Isha Sunnah.
Isha Sunnah Prayer- The Isha Sunnah Prayer is prayer after Isha. It is a Sunnah and not obligatory, but highly recommended. It consists of 2 Rakaat.
Qiyam al-layl/Taraweeh- Taraweeh is simply Qiyam al- layl during the month of Ramadan. Qiyam al-layl or Taraweeh can be prayed in the home, but during Ramadan the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wa salaam prayed in the Musjid sometimes, so a congregational prayer was formed. He would pray at home some days to show the Ummah this was not an obligatory act for Muslims. There is a difference of opinion on how many rakaat should be prayed. Some say the Sunnah more accurately was 10/11 rakaat, but was suggested only that night prayers be in groupings of 2.  Many scholars have agreed upon 20, and that is what seems to be performed most today.

Some good website to visit for details is:


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